How to change ownership or principal officer
All changes of ownership must be approved prior to ownership interest transfer.
1/7 - Visit DCR Forms
2/7 - Complete all required Change of Ownership or Principal Officer (PO) Forms
Change of Ownership or Principal Officer (PO) Pre-Approval Application
Depending on type of business select the appropriate form
Cultivation Center Change of Ownership or PO Pre-Approval Application
CRTA (Craft Grower, Infuser, Transporter) Change of Ownership or PO Pre-Approval Application
Craft Grower, 8 IAC 1300.315(d),(f),(g);
Infuser, 8 IAC 1300.415(d),(f),(g);
Transporter, 8 IAC 1300.540(d)-(e)
New Ownership or Principal Officer (PO) Information Application (Required)
Fingerprint Consent Form (Required)
CRTA Out-of-State Fingerprint Consent Form (if applicable)
Affidavit (if applicable)
Power of Attorney Form (if applicable)
3/7 - Provide written consent to transfer ownership
Each current owner must provide written consent to transfer ownership.
Each current owner’s name must be printed next to their signature so the Department can quickly identify the signer.
4/7 - Change of Ownership or Principal Officer (PO) Pre-Approval Application fee
- Reference the Pre-Approval Application fee table found within the application form.
5/7 - Reference the DCR Application and Fees Table
Application and Fees Table.pdf (
- Submit all Change of Ownership or Principal Officer (PO) Pre-Approval Application materials with fee.
- Mail all pre-approval application materials with application fee payment to:
Address: IDOA – Division of Cannabis Regulation
P.O. Box 19281
Springfield, IL 62794-9281
- Application fee payment must be issued by certified check.
6/7 - Department grants pre-approval for a change of ownership
Once the Department has granted pre-approval for a change of ownership (can take up to 2 months), the Department will then request final documents demonstrating the ownership transfer is complete. This is the final step prior to the Department granting final approval via email to the original requestor of the change.
7/7 - All approved owners and principal officers must seek agent credentials
Important Notes:
- Business Name Change: Note that changes in ownership interest do not alter the name of the business entity holding the license. For name changes, complete a separate request using the NLS portal Business License Update application.
- Facility Location Change: If new owners plan to change the facility’s approved location, they must submit a Change of Location application.